A TV Entry – Ascended Extra

I obviously did not manage to post this weekend. I was unavoidably detained. I failed to settle new lands successfully, I successfully helmed the most near-sighted group of sailors ever, I looted South American temples better than my colleagues, I dabbled in wordplay, and I raced some pigs. I did see both monsters and aliens, which reminded me why I could never, ever cosplay. I might want to, but I’d want it to be awesome, and after seeing a costume that involved a jack-o-lantern head in which the creator had actually strung up pumpkin seeds inside to make the head look as real as possible, I realized my quest for perfection would only end in tears. And possibly me running down the street without pants doing my best impression of Sonny the Cuckoo. Incidentally, an actual question asked by me over the weekend – “Why was Sugar Bear the God of War?”

Anyway, my thoughts for the midweek that are less random than usual.

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